Masaoki Adachi/安達正興

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〈 2008年 12月 1日 月曜日 )



ヒラリーは夜中3時に電話があってもREADY TO GOと自信だけは余るほどあるが、過去一度も外交交渉にタッチしたことはない。WHの安全保障会議に出たことはあるか?シチュエーションルームの会議に出たことはあるか?TVの番組名ではありません、WHの地下室にあるという会議室のこと。ないわな。ダンナにくっついて各国首長と挨拶し食事に加わっただけでしょ。余暇時間の多くは福祉施設を訪問したり、観光が殆どだ。上院議員で何をした?政策実務に携わったことがない点ではオバマと変わらないシロウトだ。素人だっていっこうにOK、経験によらずとも出来る人は出来る。反撥するのは経験豊富で即戦力をうぬぼれる図々しさである。


― The Clinton Foundation will publish the names of everyone who has contributed since its founding in 1997 (this year).

― Should Senator Clinton be nominated and confirmed as Secretary of State, during her time of service, the Foundation will also publish the names of everyone who contributes going forward on an annual basis.

― The Foundation will separately incorporate CGI [the Clinton Global Initiative] from the Foundation; President Clinton will continue to host CGI gatherings, such as the one in NYC and its meetings for college and university students, as Founding Chairman of CGI.

― Although President Clinton will continue to invite participants to CGI events (which involves normal registration fees), he will not solicit 'sponsorship' contributions for CGI.

― CGI will also not host annual events outside the US and CGI will not solicit or accept foreign government contributions.

― Given the extensive and life-saving work of the Clinton Foundation's HIV/AIDS Initiative which can and should continue, the Foundation will continue to fulfill its commitments funded by foreign governments (including, among others, Sweden Norway, France, Great Britain). In the event an existing contributing country chooses to substantially increase its commitment, or a new country, or government-owned entity, decides to contribute, the Foundation will share such proposed contributions with the State Department ethics officials. State may also share the issue to the WH Counsel's office for review. To whatever extent there are conflict of interest concerns raised about such potential contributions related to Senator Clinton's service as Secretary, they will be conveyed to Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation for appropriate action.

― Same procedure to be followed for any foreign country contributors to CCI [Clinton Climate Initiative], CGSCI [Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative] and CHDI [Clinton Hunter Development Initiative].

― Regarding President Clinton's private work, during her tenure, President Clinton will share proposed hosts of speeches with the State Department ethics officials for their review, and as appropriate for review by the White House Counsel. Again, should there be conflict of interest concerns related to the Senator's anticipated service as Secretary, they will share those concerns with Senator and President Clinton for appropriate action.

― During her tenure as Secretary of State, should she be nominated and confirmed, President Clinton will share any proposed consultant relationships with State Department ethics officials, and the same procedures outlined above will apply here as well.

Pnorama Box制作委員会
